Un projet européen visant à faciliter l'accès à la prévention, à la protection et au soutien des femmes migrantes en Europe confrontées à la violence sexiste.
Les femmes migrantes sont confrontées à un continuum de violences liées au genre. Parmi celles-ci, les mutilations génitales féminines, les violences sexuelles, les violences conjugales, le mariage forcé, la traite d'êtres humains ... Pour chaque personne, des besoins différents.
Sur le sol européen, des services d'assistance existent mais ne sont pas toujours faciles d'accès. Il existe de nombreux obstacles et dans la pratique, il est parfois impossible d'obtenir de l'aide.
Le projet ACCESS vise à améliorer la prévention, la protection et le soutien des femmes migrantes en Europe confrontées à différents types de violence sexiste. L’acronyme «ACCÈS» fait référence à Appropriate Community-based Care and Empowering Support Services.
I am expecting a girl. How great!
But my heart is heavy. What if she was to go through what I did?
My daughter is 7.
I was cut at that age.
I am afraid.
I have flashbacks.
I don’t want her to feel the pain.
How can I protect her?
I heard about a girl’s arranged marriagewithin our community.
I panicked.
I experienced it.
And soon, my daughter will be of age…
We want what’s best for our children.
We want them to have a good life.We want them to blossom.
I belong to a community, which is great.
We help each other out. My community is at the centre of my life.
I can’t avoid it. They tell me what to do. I don’t have a choice. They decide for me, for my daughter. But it hurts inside.
In Europe, female genital cutting and forced marriage are forbidden. The law is on your side to protect your daughter.
You are in this situation?
You want a way out?
You can secure a better future for your daughter.
Specialist services will support your fightfor your own and your daughter’s well-being. In all discretion.
More information on
A GAMS belgium co-production with The InkLink and Boniato Studio with the support of Fondation de France.
Project coordinator - Daniela Bishop
Project manager - Laure Garancher, Marie Paule Noel (The InkLink)
Direction - Rémi Cans
Script Editors - Laure Garancher, Marie Paule Noel, Daniela Bishop
Production Assistant - Celine Heim
Art Director - Yannick Corboz
Storyboard - Yannick Corboz
Animation - Rémi Cans, Dabid Pascual
Composer - Inés Mirás Vieites
Sound Design - Vincent Bucher
Voice over - Fatimetou Sow, Madina Ibrahim, Mariama Diallo, Paloma Timmerman Neira, Ruta Solomon Fitiwi, Carolina Neira Vianello, Feven Tsehaye Tekle, Barratou Kann, Fayza Farhan Saïd, Safia Sefiani, Fatoumata Binta Bah, Ayan Said Elmi, Hasna Isse and Idil