i-boycott - How does it work?
i-boycott is a french association working for the common good that uses the boycott as its tool, the method that allowed figures such as Gandhi, Marthin Luther King and Mandela to achieve major social progress towards equality and social justice.
Its objective is to shift the developement guidelines of big companies by showing, through boycott, how important sustainable development, ethics and the environmental protection are to their customers. And, because company administrations only understand the language of money, to show how production which is more respectful of human condition and nature can prevent loss of earnings.
Through the internet, i-boycott allows us today to centralize the boycott campaigns, to put a number on their cost and to use them as a tool to put pressure on companies to become better versions of themselves.
"Each time you spend money, you vote for the world that you want." Anna Lappe
To boycott by yourself is great!
To boycott together, it's citizen power
When done with goodwill, it's change!
To find out more about i-boycott : https://www.i-boycott.org/
Video produced by Atypicalist (formerly Boniato Studio) in 2017.
Written by - i-boycott
Script Editor - Boniato Studio
Design & Direction - Rémi Cans
Animation - Davy Dumartheray
External consultant - Yann Favre
Sound Design - Nicolas Martigne
Musique - Safety Net - Riot